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Fun And Creative Date Night Ideas in Memphis 

In a world where online speed dating and expensive, yearly gym membership fees are considered the norm, it’s hard for couples to schedule fun dates in Memphis, TN without having to bring up the subject of money(or worse, soon-to-be-in-laws…). Especially since most romantic places near Memphis, TN are overly pricey and crowded.


But fear not, fair lovebirds! With these five creative date night ideas, you’ll be sure to plan the perfect date day in Memphis TN without having to spend a lot of money at that overrated, posh restaurant your soon-to-be-in-laws forced you to take your significant other towards. 


Besides, why risk breaking the bank when there are plenty of fun and affordable things to do with your date in Memphis at night? 


Number 1: Take Your Date Out To An Escape Room Experience! 


A newcomer on the Memphis dating scene, escape rooms are a great place to take your significant other out on a night in the town. Not only are they cheap and affordable, but they are also an excellent way for the both of you to practice problem-solving and teamwork skills. 


Depending on which escape room you go to, while some games inside the room lean more towards the problem-solving side, others lean more towards the storytelling side. Here at Escapology, our games learn towards both sides equally. 


Regardless as to who you are or where your strengths lie, escape rooms offer a little something to just about everyone. Plus, they’re the perfect excuse to dress up as any character of your choice without having to spend a lot of money on overpriced, murder mystery dinner party food and enduring the sound of cheesy, cliche dialogue. 


For the ones who are new to playing escape room games, we recommend playing Escapology’s Antidote. Not only is it Escapology’s easiest escape room, but it’s also one of the room’s most popular games.


Number 2: Take Your Date Out to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show Live Performance! 


A key staple to Memphis culture since 1974, The Rocky Horror Picture Show movie and live performance at the Evergreen Theater has been a favorite amongst moviegoers and couples alike. 


Open every Friday on the stroke of midnight, fans (and haters) would come to the theater dressed as some of their favorite characters. Once inside, they would either throw items at the screen and make random callbacks towards the actors on stage. 


Given that Memphis happens to be the very first “non-major” city to host both the film and play version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, it’s no wonder that fans continue to take their girlfriends/boyfriends to come see the performance all-year around. 


Whether you love the film or hate it, there is always a little something for the audience to enjoy.


Number 3: Try out some Ethiopian Food Together at a Local Restaurant!


Though it’s technically not a dating activity specific to Memphis, taking your date out to a beautiful, family-owned Ethiopian restaurant is nevertheless a great way to enjoy some nice, healthy food and conversation with your significant other without having to empty out your wallet(s) for that extra $100 bill. 


Compared to other restaurant revenues in Memphis, what makes Ethiopian restaurants so unique is that they are the only types of restaurants that allow customers to share food from a single plate using just their hands and pieces of flatbread called injera, which are made using teff flour as opposed to wheat or rice flour. So coming to an Ethiopian restaurant with your significant other is an experience unto itself.


When you get the chance, be sure to try out either the coffee or honey wine ceremony at any venue of your choice. You WON’T be disappointed. 


Number 4: Take Your Date Out on A Carriage Tour in Memphis!


A classic amongst Memphian fans and tourists alike, taking your date out on a carriage tour is a great way to explore the city while making your loved one feel like a prince or princess out of a fairytale! You can even get your photo taken, if you so chose!


Pricing is negotiable. 


Number 5: Paint some Pottery Together at Seize the Clay! 


For the ones who love getting their hands dirty and painting pottery, taking your date out to Seize the Clay is a good option! Especially since that place offers a wide variety of figures and paints for you to choose from. 


For the couples who are 21 and up, be on the lookout for their wine and cheese nights if you want to paint your pottery under the stars. 




So tell us fair lovebirds, which of these dating activities are you thinking about trying out with your significant other tonight? Is there a specific escape room game that you and your loved ones are thinking about playing? Please check out our Facebook page to let us know!